Saturday, July 19, 2008

happy saturday... have a cupcake!

they wanted us all to make cupcakes.

i used their papers & the "artsy-licious" line of embellishments topped with some martha stewart glitter:

and i seemed to have a "party" theme going on in my head because i also did these:

all of these are made with their "eclectique" papers.

this is a little wooden house that i covered with the new "together" papers
 & lots of the
artsy-licious embellishments:

i'll share some more projects later ;)

oh, and i'm sure you want to know who the winner of my RAK was, right?

if you are:

please e-mail me at & i will mail it out to you on monday :)

have a wonderful weekend!


Holly said...

Holy cow! Yay! Totally my lucky day. :0) I e-mailed you my addy. And, I must say...your Chatterbox creations are YUM!

Dana said...

Are you kidding me with how incredibly amazing those creations are! YOU ARE BRILLANT!!!

Babydoll said...

Really great projects! I love the little house and those cupcakes are heavenly. Almost look good enough to eat. :)

McMGrad89 said...

Everything is so pretty and fun!